Issue List
This is a list of all issues available on the site. View indexed issues only
Displaying 101 - 150 of 178
Year | Month | Vol. | No. | Articles and Notes | Date | ||
1983 | March Indexed |
26 | 1 |
Demise and Restoration The Archeological Bonus at the Cooper-Molera Adobe Restoration General Information and Additional Sources (Cooper-Molera) |
83Mar | March 19836.05 MB | |
1983 | June Indexed |
26 | 2 |
"Cump" Sherman's Monterey Textile Conservation Techniques of Photographic Preservation |
83Jun | June 19835.18 MB | |
1983 | September Indexed |
26 | 3 |
Going to Fiesta !Boronda! In Memoriam: The Reverend Lawrence H. Farrell 1908-1983 |
83Sep | September 19835.58 MB | |
1983 | December Indexed |
26 | 4 |
Boronda! (Part II) Christmas Hymn In Memoriam |
83Dec | December 19835.12 MB | |
1984 | March Indexed |
25 | 1 |
A Beacon upon a Hill ¡Boronda! (Part III) volume numbering issues resume; 1984 should have been numbered Vol. XXVII (or 27) but cover of March 1984 issue reads "Vol. XXV No. 1" note also that this cover reads "copyrighted 1983" |
84Mar | March 19845.55 MB | |
1984 | June Indexed |
25 | 2 | ¡Boronda! (Part IV) | 84Jun | June 19844.93 MB | |
1984 | September Indexed |
25 | 3 | ¡Boronda! (Part V) | 84Sep | September 19845.62 MB | |
1984 | December Indexed |
25 | 4 | Saint Catherine's Convent of Monterey (part 1) | 84Dec | December 19845.07 MB | |
1984 | August Indexed |
25 | Special | Jo Mora: Spokesman for the Old West | 84Aug | August 19845.57 MB | |
1985 | March Indexed |
26 | 1 |
Chautauqua-by-the-Sea Saint Catherine's Convent of Monterey (part 2) volume numbering issues continue; 1985 should have been numbered Vol. XXVIII (or 28) but cover of March 1985 issue reads "Vol. XXVI No. 1"
85Mar | March 19855.17 MB | |
1985 | June Indexed |
26 | 2 | Casa de las Olas | 85Jun | June 19856.47 MB | |
1985 | September Indexed |
26 | 3 | Casa del las Olas, Part II--The Murray Saga | 85Sep | September 19859.08 MB | |
1985 | December Indexed |
26 | 4 | A Matter of Honor: The Chinese at Point Alones, 1906 | 85Dec | December 19855.77 MB | |
1986 | March Indexed |
27 | 1 |
Museum to Publish Maritime Photo Guide Allen Knight: A Portrait The Walter F. Lee Photo Collection Pages from the Past volume numbering issues continue; 1986 should have been numbered Vol. XXIX (or 29) but cover of March 1986 issue reads "Vol. XXVII No. 1" |
86Mar | March 19868.29 MB | |
1986 | June Indexed |
27 | 2 |
The Ubiquitous William P. Toler (Midshipman Raises the Flag) The Master of Hollow Hills (Friends Remember Noel Sullivan |
86Jun | June 19868.43 MB | |
1986 | September Indexed |
27 | 3 | Monterey's First Official Visitor [Perouse] | 86Sep | September 19867.97 MB | |
1986 | December Indexed |
27 | 4 | Stevenson in Monterey (Houston Street's Famous Lodger) | 86Dec | December 19867.96 MB | |
1987 | March Indexed |
28 | 1 |
The French in Monterey (Inspiration and Frustration: The French Presence Pages from the Past: Frank Berry's Surprise volume numbering issues continue; 1987 should have been numbered Vol. XXX (or 30) but cover of March 1987 issue reads "Vol. XXVIII No. 1" |
87Mar | March 19879.06 MB | |
1987 | June Indexed |
28 | 2 |
Shoreleave, Monterey, 1843 A Young American Sailor Visits Monterey |
87Jun | June 198712.26 MB | |
1987 | September Indexed |
28 | 3 | The Majorca Connection | 87Sep | September 19878.53 MB | |
1987 | December Indexed |
28 | 4 | Jessie Fremont in Monterey | 87Dec | December 19878.41 MB | |
1988 | September Indexed |
29 | 3 |
"Partington Landing, 1940" Partington Landing: Of Poets, Artists, and Ships in the Big Sur Country volume numbering issues continue. 1987 was incorrectly numbered Vol. XXVIII and should have been XXX (or 30); so all four 1988 issues were printed with Vol. XXIX though should have been XXXI (or 31). In this Issues List, 1989 issues will be named "vol-40-num-..." and so on thereafter. |
88Sep | September 198813.61 MB | |
1988 | December Indexed |
29 | 4 |
California's First Paper: Semple and the Old War Press
volume numbering issues continue. 1987 was incorrectly numbered Vol. XXVIII and should have been XXX (or 30); so all four 1988 issues were printed with Vol. XXIX though should have been XXXI (or 31). In this Issues List, 1989 issues will be named "vol-40-num-..." and so on thereafter. |
88Dec | December 198811.81 MB | |
1988 | March Indexed |
39 | 1 |
View from the Yard-Arm: A Double Flogging
volume numbering issues continue. 1987 was incorrectly numbered Vol. XXVIII and should have been XXX (or 30); so all four 1988 issues were printed with Vol. XXIX though should have been XXXI (or 31). In this Issues List, 1989 issues will be named "vol-40-num-..." and so on thereafter. |
88Mar | March 19888.11 MB | |
1988 | June Indexed |
39 | 2 |
A Green Thought
volume numbering issues continue. 1987 was incorrectly numbered Vol. XXVIII and should have been XXX (or 30); so all four 1988 issues were printed with Vol. XXIX though should have been XXXI (or 31). In this Issues List, 1989 issues will be named "vol-40-num-..." and so on thereafter. |
88Jun | June 19887.59 MB | |
1989 | March Indexed |
40 | 1 |
David Jacks: Monterey Land Baron Who Was the Real David Jacks? with 1989 issues (which bear "Vol. XXXX" sic, not "Vol. XL" or "Vol. 40"), volume numbers are reset in this Issues List, to "vol-40-num-1-march-1989" etc. |
89Mar | March 19899.58 MB | |
1989 | June Indexed |
40 | 2 | Merienda and Fandango: Enjoying the Good Life in Earlyday Monterey | 89Jun | June 19897.18 MB | |
1989 | September Indexed |
40 | 3 |
A Look at Carmel Valley: From Costanoan Villages to Modern Urban Pressure Valley Centennial Observed Historical Society Traces Early Carmel Valley History |
89Sep | September 19897.77 MB | |
1989 | December Indexed |
40 | 4 | Cabin on the Sur | 89Dec | December 19895.66 MB | |
1990 | March Indexed |
41 | 1 |
Monterey's Artist-Mayor The Not So Illustrious Career of Artist J. B. Knapp, Mayor of Monterey (1) Volume number on cover should have read "XLI" instead of "XXXXI"; similarly for three more 1990 volumes (2) Cover of this March 1990 issue states "copyrighted 1989" |
90Mar | March 19908.51 MB | |
1990 | June Indexed |
41 | 2 | Camping at Pebble Beach, 1861: Survey Party Visits Monterey | 90Jun | June 19908.6 MB | |
1990 | September Indexed |
41 | 3 | The Grizzly Bear in California Art | 90Sep | September 19908.02 MB | |
1990 | December Indexed |
41 | 4 |
Growing Up in Pebble Beach
scanned cover has "Vol. XXXXII No. 4" but should have been "Vol. XLI No. 4" (or at least "Vol. XXXXI No. 4") |
90Dec | December 19904.24 MB | |
1991 | March Indexed |
42 | 1 |
The Fading of Arcadia
Volume number on cover should have read "XLII" instead of "XXXXII"; similarly for three other 1991 volumes |
91Mar | March 199111.49 MB | |
1991 | June Indexed |
43 | 2 |
John Paty, Yankee Trader
Volume number on cover should have read "XLII" instead of "XLIII" |
91Jun | June 199110.12 MB | |
1991 | September Indexed |
43 | 3 |
John Paty, Yankee Trader, Part 2
Volume number on cover should have read "XLII" instead of "XLIII" |
91Sep | September 199111.02 MB | |
1991 | December Indexed |
43 | 4 |
The Letters of James Henry Gleason "Enjoying Life So Pleasantly" from Monterey 1846-1859
Volume number on cover should have read "XLII" instead of "XLIII" |
91Dec | December 199110.47 MB | |
1992 | March Indexed |
44 | 1 |
Casa Serrano: A History
Volume number on cover should have read "XLIII" instead of "XLIV"; no further notes to this effect as volume numeration in Issues List continues. |
92Mar | March 19925.76 MB | |
1992 | June Indexed |
44 | 2 | The Graham Affair | 92Jun | June 19924.79 MB | |
1992 | September Indexed |
44 | 3 |
An Officer's Tragic Marriage (Monterey: The Happiest and the Saddest Place) Dedication (from Virginia Woodward Stone) |
92Sep | September 199212.11 MB | |
1993 | Summer Indexed |
45 | 1 | Anne Hadden: Monterey County's First Librarian | 93Sum | Summer 19934.86 MB | |
1993 | September Indexed |
45 | 2 | The Key to the Garden: Water Development in Monterey County | 93Sep | September 19936.61 MB | |
1993 | December Indexed |
45 | 3 | The Devil Attended Church on Christmas | 93Dec | December 19936.27 MB | |
1994 | March Indexed |
46 | 1 | From Adobe to Granite: Two Jails in Monterey | 94Mar | March 19949.76 MB | |
1994 | June Indexed |
46 | 2 | Robert Stanton, AIA | 94Jun | June 19944.93 MB | |
1994 | September Indexed |
46 | 3 |
A Light for All to See: A History of the Point Sur First Order Fresnel Lens Rescuing a Treasure: Moving the Point Sur First Order Fresnel Lens to the Maritime Museum in Monterey |
94Sep | September 19944.83 MB | |
1994 | December Indexed |
46 | 4 |
Monterey's Christmas Angels Reminiscences of the Holiday Season in Old Monterey The Stagecoach Santa Claus of Jolon |
94Dec | December 19944.73 MB | |
1995 | March Indexed |
47 | 1 | The Monterey Public Library--Past and Present | 95Mar | March 19955.31 MB | |
1995 | June Indexed |
47 | 2 | Asilomar's Rich History | 95Jun | June 19954.81 MB | |
1995 | September Indexed |
47 | 3 | Jo Mora: La Novia (Part One) | 95Sep | September 19957.57 MB |